Another update

Sorry it’s so quiet here, at the moment.  The move is less than 2 weeks away, & I am now slightly stressed about getting everything packed up in time.  I can’t wait for it all to be over, and to be safely installed in the new place!  There shouldn’t be too long before ‘normal service is resumed’, though, as the nice man is coming to connect the internet the day after we move in.

I’ve decided that for the sake of my sanity, I am not going to attempt to get any orders out after today.  Please feel free to continue placing orders through Etsy as normal, but nothing will be despatched until the first week of May.

This theory should mean that the D.I.Y. Weaving Club subscriptions will still be running to schedule – but hopefully, I think they will be ready to send out next week, just before the move.  Early, instead of late, for once! (Update on the update – despite best intentions, club mailings will go out according to original schedule, first week of May.)

I’ll probably still pop back for some posts at sporadic moments over the next 2 weeks, but will be back in full flow, as soon as May hits.  I’ve got changes planned for Telaic Fantasy and the D.I.Y. Weaving Club, a brand new D.I.Y. crafts zine, and TheTangledPress will also finally see some ‘action’!

Keep me posted with your weaving progress, in the meantime, & spare a thought for me, surrounded by boxes… 😦